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Changes to the South Carolina SSPA: The Importance of Judicial Education

Changes to South Carolina SSPA

NSSTA was selected to present to the South Carolina Judiciary about structured settlements and structured settlement factoring. 

Susan Stauss with Cozen O’Connor, Sandy Jones with Faegre Drinker, and John McCulloch with IFS represented the National Structured Settlements Trade Association(NSSTA) to provide information about the history and benefits of structured settlements for injury victims and their families. 

South Carolina's current Structured Settlement Protection Act (SSPA) is outdated and does not adequately protect payees from questionable factoring deals, as a recent investigation by the McClatchy Media Network showed. 

NSSTA has been instrumental in enacting stronger SSPAs in other states and is committed to protecting structured settlement recipients nationwide. Click here to read the NSSTA Judicial Education PowerPoint presentation delivered to South Carolina Judges.