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Board of Directors

The NSSTA Board of Directors are elected by NSSTA members and serve as our leaders for a three-year period. They hold meetings on a regular basis to discuss the state of our industry and any legislative or industry initiatives the members need to collectively undertake.

2024-2025 Board Members
Kerri Poe, Arcadia Settlements, NSSTA President
Len Blonder, Arcadia Settlements Group
Brian Farrell, Ringler
Peter Jachym, Ringler
Buster Joyner, Atlas Settlements, President-Elect
Stacy McCall, Brant Hickey & Associates
Greg Micoletti, American General Life
Eric Mikulaninec, USAA Life Insurance Company
Nolan Robinson, Ringler - Immediate Past President
Paula Rubinstein, NFP Structured Settlements
Henry Strong, JMW Settlements